Cookies –

What are cookies and why are they needed?

A cookie is a short text that a website sends to your browser when you visit our site. This is how the website recognises you, uses it to remember information about your visit, login and other settings. This makes your next visit to the website friendlier and easier. Cookies play an important role, and using the web would be less enjoyable without them.

We use cookies to personalise the content of our site, record page visits, count how many visitors a page has, help you place an order, protect your data and remember your preferences and settings. Cookies make browsing our website more pleasant, faster and, above all, more efficient. uses different types of cookies. Your browser may store some or all of the cookies described below. You can view and manage cookies in your browser (this may not be possible on mobile browsers).

Cookie name The purpose of Cookie time Source:
cookie_notice_accepted The cookie remembers if you have agreed to accept cookies. 1 month
PH_HPXY_CHECK This cookie uses the PHP language to allow encrypted session variables to be stored on a web server. After the browsing session.
opt-in-social The cookie remembers if you have agreed to accept cookies. 1 month
opt-in-remarketing The cookie remembers if you have agreed to accept cookies. 1 month
_ga Website statistics 2 years
_ga Website statistics 2 years
_gat_UA-# Website statistics 10 minutes
_gid Website statistics 1 day
Cookie name The purpose of Cookie time Source:
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE YouTube (video, settings, statistics) 6 months
* LOGIN_INFO YouTube (video, settings, statistics) 2 years
YSC YouTube (video, settings, statistics) After the browsing session.
GPS YouTube (video, settings, statistics) 30 minutes
* xs Facebook (plugin, settings, statistics) 3 months
act Facebook (plugin, settings, statistics) After the browsing session.
* c_user Facebook (plugin, settings, statistics) 3 months
* datr Facebook (plugin, settings, statistics) 2 years
* dpr Facebook (plugin, settings, statistics) 1 week
*en Facebook (plugin, settings, statistics) 3 months
* sb Facebook (plugin, settings, statistics) 2 years
* wd Facebook (plugin, settings, statistics) 1 week
fr Facebook (plugin, settings, statistics) 3 months
presense Facebook (plugin, settings, statistics) After the browsing session.
* SID Website statistics 2 years /
* OGPC Website statistics 2 months

Note: Content published on our websites occasionally includes video content from other websites (embedded video). This means that, technically, we serve the user content from third parties (e.g. YouTube) that include their own advertising systems and thus place their own cookies on the user, which they use for their own purposes.

* Social networks such as Facebook, Google will also set cookies depending on whether you are logged in to their service. The management of their cookies is governed by the terms and conditions of participation that you, as a user of these networks, accepted when you registered.

Cookie name Purpose of Cookie time Source:
* NID Advanced advertising 7 months /
IDE Advanced advertising 1 year
DSID Advanced advertising 15 minutes
* 1P_JAR Advanced advertising 1 month /
* APISID Advanced advertising 2 years / /
* HSID Advanced advertising 2 years / /
* SAPISID Advanced advertising 2 years / /
* SIDCC Advanced advertising 2 years
* SSID Advanced advertising 2 years / /
* CONSENT Advanced advertising 20 years / /
DV Advanced advertising 1 hour
PREF Advanced advertising 8 months / /
test_cookie Testing how cookies work 15 minutes

* Social networks such as Facebook, Google will also set cookies depending on whether you are logged in to their service. The management of their cookies is governed by the terms and conditions of participation that you, as a user of these networks, accepted when you registered.

Each user has full control over cookies and can always choose whether to allow cookies to be stored on their device. allows users to choose whether to accept or reject cookies. Please note that their exclusion may lead to potential problems with the website and may even disable some of the website’s functionality. If certain cookies are refused, the user will be proportionately restricted from viewing the content and accessing the website.

To ensure the best user experience and optimal performance of our websites, we recommend that users accept cookies.

You can also control and change your cookie settings in your browser.

For information about your cookie settings, please select the web browser you are using.